A simple way to collaborate with Python developers that do not use Emacs


In this post I'll share some tips to make it easier to setup a collaborative (Unix-based) Python development environment.

The more you use Emacs, the more you feel uncomfortable when you have to write something outside it. This is even more true when writing code. Some months ago I switched to lsp-mode, a client for the Language Server Protocol that aims to provide IDE-like experience in Emacs. To me, using lsp-mode has several advantages, including the ability to quickly write, test and debug small snippets of code without even touching the mouse.

However, I recognize that anyone has its favourite IDE when it comes to writing code. I also understand that maybe using Emacs is not a priority to all of us. As an example, the favourite IDE of some of my colleagues happens to be Visual Studio Code. To stay productive, we need to be able to develop in the same environment using different (and potentially conflicting) setups.

The typical environment#

Python is a very appealing solution when software needs to be developed rapidly and there are no particular hardware requirements or constraints. Complex operations can be done concisely, and there are libraries for pretty much anything. To use a function that is not provided by the standard library, we just need to install an external package running pip install pkg_name and then we are ready to go.

To keep the system clean, and to avoid dependency conflicts between multiple projects, virtual environments are used. Each virtual environment (or simply venv) is a directory tree that contains a Python installation, plus a number of additional packages. To create a venv, it is only required to type in the terminal the command python -m venv venv_name. To use it instead of the global Python installation, its enough to enter it and source the terminal with the command source bin/activate.

Virtual environments are the key to make sure that each Python project is self contained, but sometimes a project relies on a number of external dependencies or binaries that need to be available system-wide. To accomodate for this, several build systems can be used. One of the most common is GNU make. make is relevant for a number of historical reasons, but most importantly, it fits nicely in a Unix environment, as it can be used to run directly shell commands. Many large projects use it extensively, as it enables an end user to build and install a package without knowing the details of how that is done.

In our typical development environment we use make to setup, build, execute and test most of the projects. However, we do not use the same set of tools to code. The ones using VS Code can take advantage of utils and extensions it provides to set current Python venv and use the makefiles, while Emacs users need some additional configuration. This is not really an issue, however, we have to ensure the additional configuration files introduced in the repository don't cause conflicts to each other (i.e., Emacs configuration files must be transparent to VS Code and viceversa).

Emacs, lsp-mode, venvs#

Before going into the details of the setup, I'll talk a little bit about how Emacs can be transformed into an IDE using lsp-mode, touching only the key points. If you already know how to setup an Emacs IDE, the following can be skipped.

To act as an IDE, Emacs needs some extensions. There are many packages that can be used to do that; I use lsp-mode. At high level, it is a client able to interact with a backend server via asynchronous calls using the Language Server Procol. The idea is that we can support many different languages by simply replacing the backend server, and thus have a configuration that is not language-specific. This basically means we have to provide a server to Emacs whenever a Python source file in our project is read into a buffer. Anyway, unlike a traditional IDE, Emacs by itself is not aware of what a project is, and thus we have to send it some updates each time we open, close or switch to project-related file. If you think about it, IDEs like VS Code or IntelliJ are built on the concept of project, to which they usually assign the whole window. A good way to address this problem is to use environment variables, which are accessible to Emacs through the getenv function. To cut a long story short, I do this using direnv. This allows me to automatically load/unload some environment variables each time I open a file, kill or switch to a buffer.

In its simplicity, direnv is a fantastic tool. It offers many standard library function, including some to configure and activate a Python layout. direnv checks for the existence of an .envrc file inside the root project directory each time the directory is opened, and if the file exists, it is loaded and all the environment exported variables are made available to the current shell. The key point is that this happens only if the .envrc file is authorized by the user.

Project setup#

The idea is that Emacs and non-Emacs users can use two slightly different configurations for the same Python project:

  • Emacs users rely on direnv to setup the local development environment, and use the make build system for anything else;
  • non-Emacs users solely rely on the make build system.

The first necessity is that both configurations target the same virtual environment.

To create a venv with direnv, the Emacs user is required to create the .envrc file (in the root project directory), and add layout python python3 as the first line. Running the command direnv allow immediately causes the .envrc file to be loaded, and the Python3 layout to be created. The venv is by default created in the .direnv/python-$(VERSION) folder, and activated each time the root project directory is opened.

Non-Emacs user create the venv using a Makefile rule. We only need to ensure the venv path matches the default one used by direnv. To do that, we declare in the makefile the variable VENVNAME := $(subst P,p,$(subst $(space),-,$(shell python3 --version))), where space is the literal $() $(). To create the venv, the non-Emacs user can run the recipe install, defined as:

	test -d $(VENV) || $(VIRTUALENV) $(VENV)

where VIRTUALENV is defined as VIRTUALENV := python3 -m venv .direnv/$(VENVNAME)

Python app#

At this point both the Emacs and non-Emacs users are working in the same venv. The only difference we have to keep in mind is that the Emacs user's venv is activated by default.

Now we have to provide a method to install Python requirements. To avoid confusion, the install rule can be reused, adding to the recipe the required steps:

install: $(REQUIREMENTS)
	test -d $(VENV) || $(VIRTUALENV) $(VENV)
	$(PIP) $@ --upgrade pip
	$(PIP) $@ -r $<

where REQUIREMENTS is the file $ROOT_DIR/requirements.txt. Running make install doesn't cause any problem to the Emacs user since there is no modification to the Python executable path.

To run the application we provide the run recipe, which has install as a prerequisite (if requirements.txt is updated then the newly introduced requirements will automatically be installed each time the app is executed).

run: install
	@ echo $(PYTHON)

APP is defined as APP := app_launcher.py.

As a final step, we can provide a rule to clean the venv when needed. This is done by clean, defined as:

	@ rm -rf $(VENV)
	@ find . -path '*/__pycache__/*' -delete
	@ find . -type d -name '__pycache__' -delete

System-wide dependencies#

Usually a project relies on some libraries or binaries that need to be available system-wide. However, I try to keep my system as close to a vanilla distribution as much as I can, trying to avoid the dependency hell. What I typically do is install all the required binaries in the directory $ROOT_DIR/bin, which is then added to the $PATH environment variable. This can be done easily using direnv with PATH_add, a function that prepends an input path to the PATH environment variable. This is really a killer feature, as direnv not only adds the input path when the project is opened, but it also removes it when the project is closed, keeping my global PATH clean.

Anyway, I recommend to install software dependencies using Makefile rules. It is a bad practice to use direnv to perform time consuming operations. Not only if direnv takes too much Emacs may hang, but also other programs might crash (e.g., git might crash if different commands are executed simultaneously, causing the local content to be corrupted). Therefore, I use direnv only to create the project directory structure, add paths to the global environment, and check if a software dependency is available (sending a message to the user otherwise). This is done using the function has, as detailed in the following:

# add bin to path
PATH_add  bin

# required dependencies
binary_deps+=( "dep1" "dep2" "dep3")

# warn the user if a dependency is missing
for dep in ${binary_deps[@]}; do
    if ! has $dep; then
	echo "missing dependency '${dep}', to install it run 'make install_binaries'"

Non-Emacs users can export bin to the global path adding to the Makefile the following line.

export PATH = $(shell printenv PATH):$(ROOT_DIR)/$(LOCAL_BINARIES)

The last change won't affect direnv users, as it only adds a duplicate to the PATH. There also other solutions (e.g., exploiting the functionality provided by the dynamic linker), but this is the most straightforward to me.


The final version of the .envrc file.

# create a python3 layout
layout python python3

# create directory to store the local binaries and add it to the path
mkdir -p bin
PATH_add  bin

# required dependencies
binary_deps+=( "dep1" "dep2" "dep3")

# warn the user if a dependency is missing
for dep in ${binary_deps[@]}; do
    if ! has $dep; then
	# (do not use the .envrc to install binaries, use Makefile instead...
	#  ... if the .envrc blocks, other tools might hang or break, e.g. emacs or git)
	echo "missing dependency '${dep}', to install it run 'make install_binaries'"	


The final version of the Makefile.

.PHONY: all clean remove_binaries install_binaries install run

# literal to define whitespace
space=$() $()

# make the venv path name matches the default name used by direnv
VENVNAME       := $(subst P,p,$(subst $(space),-,$(shell python3 --version)))
VIRTUALENV     := python3 -m venv .direnv/$(VENVNAME)
ROOT_DIR       := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
VENV           := $(strip $(ROOT_DIR)/.direnv/$(VENVNAME))
ACTIVATE       := $(VENV)/bin/activate
PYTHON         := $(VENV)/bin/python
PIP            := $(PYTHON) -m pip

SHELL          := /bin/bash


REQUIREMENTS   := requirements.txt      # insert here your python requirements
APP            := app_launcher.py	# this file is used as the main app driver

# add ./bin to the path
export PATH = $(shell printenv PATH):$(ROOT_DIR)/$(LOCAL_BINARIES)

all: run				# install python deps run the project

clean:					# clean python dependencies
	@ rm -rf $(VENV)
	@ find . -path '*/__pycache__/*' -delete
	@ find . -type d -name '__pycache__' -delete

remove_binaries:			# remove local binaries
	@ rm -rf $(LOCAL_BINARIES)

install_binaries:			# use this rule to install local binaries in ./bin
	@ mkdir -p $(ROOT_DIR)/$(LOCAL_BINARIES)
	@ echo "Installing required binaries locally..."
	@ echo "...DONE"
	@ echo "Remember to ADD $(ROOT_DIR)/bin to the current PATH" \
		"**ONLY if you are NOT USING direnv**." \
		"To do that run 'make export_path'"

install: $(REQUIREMENTS)		# install python venv (with all required packages)
	test -d $(VENV) || $(VIRTUALENV) $(VENV)
	$(PIP) $@ --upgrade pip
	$(PIP) $@ -r $<

run: install 				# run project
	@ echo $(PYTHON)